Our Specialised Treatments
The diseases related to peripheral arteries, veins and lymphatics form the crux of Vascular & Endovascular surgery. Vascular specialists at CARE Hospitals help patients in preventing and treating vascular diseases by bringing preventive, medical, surgical and endovascular services to the table. The expert vascular team at CARE Hospitals, working since 20 years, is perhaps the largest in the country. It comprises eight vascular surgeons and five interventional radiologists. These specialists have come together after garnering experience in India, Japan, UK and USA. Based on the patient’s clinical condition and the best options available, the experts offer appropriate therapy.
Patients are generally evaluated with duplex scan during clinical assessment in the outpatient clinic. The vascular group is supported by other specialties, anaesthesia and critical care teams, delivering excellent patient experience, every time.

Vascular Surgery Services
Varicose vein
- Clinical evaluation and Color Doppler
- Laser surgery
- Radiofrequency ablation
- Sclerotherapy / glue
- Surgical stripping
- Compression therapy
- Treatment of perforators
- Venous ulcer treatment
- Venography
- IVUS guided Iliac vein angioplasty / stenting
Deep vein thrombosis
- Medical management
- Catheter directed thrombolysis
- Venous thrombectomy
- IVC filter placement
- IVC filter retrieval
- Treatment of upper limb DVT
Vascular malformation
- Conservative therapy
- Surgical excision
- Embolization
- Angioembolization
Aortic aneurysms
- Arch aneurysms
- Descending thoracic aneurysms
- Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms
- Infrarenal and iliac aneurysms
- Hybrid procedures
- Fenestrated EVAR
- Follow up with USG
Mesenteric vasculature
- Acute mesenteric ischemia
- Mesenteric bypass
- SMA thrombosis
- Celiac artery compression
- Mesenteric thrombolysis
- SMA / Celiac aneurysm
- Splenic aneurysm / Pseudoaneurysm
- Mesenteric venous thrombosis
Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS)
- Cervical rib
- Arterial TOS
- Venous TOS
- Neurogenic TOS
Acute limb ischemia
- Embolectomy
- Thrombectomy
- Thrombolysis
- Amputation
- Conventional angiography
- CT angiography
- MR angiography
- Venography
Stroke prevention
- Carotid endarterectomy
- Extracranial intracranial bypass
- Medical management
- Vertebral artery revascularization
Peripheral arterial disease
- Clinical evaluation
- Non-invasive vascular lab assessment
- Hybrid revascularization
- Peripheral angioplasty / stenting
- Atherectomy
- Use of drug coated balloons / stents
- Thoraco femoral bypass
- Aorto femoral bypass
- Axillo femoral bypass
- Ilio femoral bypass
- Femoro popliteal bypass
- Femoro distal bypass
- Carotid subclavian bypass
- Stem cell therapy
Vascular access (dialysis patients)
- AV Fistula
- Salvage of failing fistula
- Salvage of occluded fistula
- Basilic vein transposition
- AV graft placement
- Perm cath placement
- Central vein angioplasty
- Fistuloplasty
Wound care
- Diabetic foot care
- Venous ulcer management
- Specialized dressing
- VAC therapy
- Dermal substitutes for wound healing
Interventional Radiology Services
Hepatobiliary interventions
- Clinical evaluation and Color Doppler
- Laser surgery
- Radiofrequency ablation
- Sclerotherapy / glue
- Surgical stripping
- Compression therapy
- Treatment of perforators
- Venous ulcer treatment
- Venography
- IVUS guided Iliac vein angioplasty / stenting
- Liver biopsy
- Percutaneous liver abscess drainage
- Percutaneous cholecystostomy
- Hydatid cyst aspiration (PAIR technique)
- RF or microwave ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma
- Percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (PTBD)
- Endobiliary brush cytology, biliary stenting
Non Vascular
Renal Interventions
- Renal injury - embolization
- Renal artery stenosis – stenting in uncontrolled hypertension
- Renal angiomyolipoma embolization
- Prostate artery embolization for benign prostatic hyperplasia
- Gonadal vein embolization for varicocele
- Adrenal vein samplin
- Renal biopsy – for parenchymal disease/ tumour
- Transrectal ultrasound guided biopsy of prostrate.
- Tenal abscess drainage
- Tenal cell carcinoma radiofrequency ablation
- Percutaneous nephrostomy and antegrade stenting
Non Vascular
- Tunnelled / non-tunnelled line placement
- AV fistula management – surveillance, fistuloplasty and salvage
- Management of central venous occlusion
Dialysis access
- Renal transplant biopsy
- Percutaneous nephrostomy & antegrade ureteric stenting
- Renal artery and vein stenting
Renal transplant interventions
Oncology interventions
- Radiofrequency / microwave ablation for hepatocellular carcinoma, renal cell carcinoma, lung tumors,thyroid nodules,osteoid osteoma
- Transarterial chemoembolization for hepatocellular carcinoma, colorectal metastases
- Thoracic duct embolization for chylothorax, chylous ascites
- Assisting treatment - peripherally inserted central (picc) lines and chemo-port insertion
- Biliary stenting
- Ureteric stenting
- Enteral stenting
- Enteral access-percutaneous gastrostomy, gastrojeunostomy
- Tunnelled catheter placement for pleural and ascitic fluid drainage
- Pain management – celiac plexus block
- Percutaneous vertebroplasty
Palliative therapy
- Image (CT/USG) guided biopsies, FNAC
Pulmonary interventions
- Bronchial artery embolization for haemoptysis
- Pulmonary av malformation embolization
- Pulmonary thromboembolism – thrombolysis and mechanical thrombectomy
- Biopsy – lung mass, mediastinal mass
- Radiofrequency ablation of lung tumours; drainage of pleural effusion, empyema, pneumothorax
Non Vascular
Gastrointestinal interventions
- GI bleed management
- Acute and chronic mesenteric ischemia management - superior mesenteric artery thrombolysis, mechanical thrombectomy, stenting
- Portal vein thrombolysis
- Post pancreatitis arterial pseudoaneurysm management
- Left gastric artery embolization for obesity
- Percutaneous gastrostomy & gastrojejunostomy
- Enteral stenting
- Pancreatic pseudocyst management
Non Vascular
Interventions in obstetrics & gynaecology
- Uterine artery embolization for fibroids and adenomyosis
- Uterine artery balloon occlusion for placenta accreta
- Post-partum haemorrhage management
- Pelvic congestion syndrome - ovarian vein embolization
Liver transplant interventions
- Percutaneous liver biopsy, portal vein or hepatic artery stenting; drainage of postop collections
Podiatric Surgery
- Callus Trimming
- Nail Trimming
- Ozone and Oxygen Therapy
- Anodyne Treatment